Got DH off to catch his flight to Florida about this time last night...I always have trouble sleeping the first few days after he leaves. My angel girl is sleeping, and the house is sooooooo time to paint hehe
I found these two wooden bowls at goodwill shaped like a flower and thought they would be awesome for Kristina's room. I took a before picture so you could see how great they are. I was so happy when I found them, and I think I only paid $2 for em!
So, as my angel is very girlie and LOVES pink...her room is done in mostly pink and green. I painted the large bowl pink first then green...and the small one green then pink, then sanded so you could see the underlying color. Can't really tell from my rotten picture, but they turned out cute. All that's left is to choose what to fill them with!
I think I already posted about how many great things I have found at thrift stores recently...which i'll get around to posting pics of lol. But I sat and sanded about half of them tonight while watching tv. This crate I had no idea what I was going to use it for, so my mom suggested I use it to hold my rolled up tea towels in my kitchen. She's so smart!
It's only half through it's no finished picture yet.
Hmm guess that's all the pictures I took today. But I have sooooo many more goodies to share with you. Wow, I should really pace myself! Now if I could just get my brain to shut off for a while I might be able to go to bed.
Or maybe I could fit in one more project...
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