This is my first blog, and I am so excited!! We have just recently moved back home to Washington after 8 years and we feel so blessed to once again be surrounded by our family. It's funny how growing up I couldn't wait to get away from here, but once the Navy started moving us around, I found that our "home" couldn't be replaced.
We spent the last 3 years in Hawaii, and just so you know...not everyone loves it there. I hated it more then anywhere we've been so far, and I REALLY missed the rain! So I guess that led to a 3 year slump in my creativity! But now that I'm home... I can't wait to finish, and start, about a million projects!
My mom is very creative, and also has a blog that you should check out http://applesquiltsandmore.blogspot.com/. There are some wayyyyyy cute pics of her teaching my daughter to make the cutest necklace she found on moda bake shop :) So a few things about me...
I love thrift store goodies! I found a bunch today that I will be taking pics of to show you. Before their makeovers of course lol.
I love americana decor...maybe that comes from hubby being in the military, but not sure!
I also love stitcheries...I am working on a few and will be posting pics and asking for input :)
Well that's all I have for now, till I get the pictures posted. Hubby is leaving for school in Florida friday morning, so I will have plenty of time for some uninterrupted creativity...at least during school hours!
I will leave you with one picture of my rainy day "kisses"
HAHA...of course I'm new so I had no idea it would be put at the top of the post (or even how to change it) but there you have it!
My 3 awesome wood bowls I found at goodwill and my mug...that so far the kitty likes to sit in!
BTW the kitty was made by an awesome lady on ebay goosenberrycorners. I love her little cuties!